Josh is a certified psychotherapist, yoga teacher and personal trainer, as well as being a fully qualified sports massage therapist and British rowing coach. Josh completed a masters in psychology at Essex University and a masters in psychotherapy and counselling at Regents University. Josh has also held a Guinness World Record for the last 11 years!
Josh ignored advice from his mum to stop jumping on his knees in his Power Ranger outfits and to stop doing knee slides across village hall floors covered in spilt lemonade at friend’s parties.
Instead, he continued to abuse his body with college rugby and intense rowing at university, followed by some even more intense endurance challenges then after.
The first challenge Josh took on gave him a Guinness World Record for Rowing a boat non-stop around the United Kingdom!
After realising what his body and mind were capable of doing he decided to tackle a 500-mile Triathlon running barefoot up and down the three highest peaks and swimming across the three largest lakes in the UK.
His final challenge took place in Finland, where he completed the World’s Longest Cross-Country Skiing Race (after only one 30-minute lesson in learning how to XC-Ski!).
No wonder then did his body finally protest against him, Josh probably should have stopped at the knee slides!
As a result Yoga came into Josh’s life through means of rehabilitation.
Josh soon learnt a healthier side to how the body and mind were connected. Falling in love with the subtle body and being fascinated by people’s behaviour Josh completed a masters in psychology at Essex University and a masters in psychotherapy and counselling at Regents University London.
Josh’s aim is to bring the body and mind together through psychotherapy, movement and more. He is passionate at helping others better their own psychological and physical health.